Izzy Dent
Izzy Dent is a clinic located in Shkafane, Durrës. They offer different services from general dentistry to implants, crowns and dentures.
"The best service i have had in a long while. Recommended."
Skender Meta
"special and professional service, well done 👌 …"
Elion Pepa
"very polite and do an excellent job🥼 …"
Vali Corbaxhi
"Very professional and polite doctor worked very well"
Eldison ceci
"Very professional and very polite"
Fitim Hyka
"Good clinic and profesional staff"
Ibrahim Balliu
"The doctor is very caring"
Irdi Hazizi
"The best dentist ever 💜💎 …"
Ina Cizmja
Shkafane, DurrësOpen location on Google maps →